Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Around the House

I hate getting stuck in the house all day with Jake when it's cold and rainy out.  Jake wants to spend his whole day outside even if the weather isn't cooperating, so it's a bit of work to entertain him inside all day.

This is when my crazy mom side comes out and Jake and I make a mess.  

I love this project that I have seen it a million places but most recently at my friend Steph's Blog.

Where you dye pasta and then play with it by sorting or scooping or what ever entertains  your little one.  I of course went over board and used tons of dye and tons of pasta and now we have lots of very brightly colored pasta around the house.
The best and worst part about this craft is that the dog thinks these are treats.  So if we drop any on the floor the dog cleans them up, but he also tries to eat the pasta out of Jake's hand while he is playing.

We also are addicted to Amazon and shopping at Costco so we get lots of boxes around the house.  I've been collecting the boxes for a few weeks in my dining room so it looks like we are moving out but they are super fun to use as gigantic building blocks.

We make super tall towers and tunnels that are perfect for pushing trucks thru.  This kid could push trucks around the house all day so it's fun to change it up a little.

Well those are a few of the things we have been up lately.  Can't wait for the weather to get a little warmer so we can spend some more time outside.


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